phoenix motorcycle accident lawyer

While motorcycles offer a sense of freedom that cars can’t match, it’s no secret that riding one comes with some risks.

No matter how safely you ride, you are constantly at the mercy of other drivers who may or may not be paying attention.

Unfortunately, even one mistake from a negligent driver often results in permanent, life-changing injuries.

If you sustain an injury while on your motorcycle, you need a Phoenix motorcycle accident lawyer who doesn’t back down.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we passionately fight for clients injured by reckless or negligent drivers.

With a strong reputation and decades of combined experience, we are dedicated to seeking serious results for accident victims.

Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents

Since motorcycles don’t offer the same protection as closed vehicles, accident injuries are often severe.

In fact, motorcycle accidents may result in many different injuries, including:

Many of these injuries carry lifelong complications, such as ongoing treatment or chronic pain. For this reason, it’s essential to reach out to a motorcycle accident lawyer in Phoenix if a negligent driver hits you.

They can help identify any future medical costs you might encounter due to recurring symptoms or conditions.

Arizona Motorcycle Accident Statistics

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) releases an annual report on auto accidents throughout the state. In 2021, it recorded 2,594 motorcycle accidents in Arizona, accounting for 2.14% of all road collisions.

While this might not seem like a lot, that equates to an average of seven crashes per day. 

However, the most worrisome truth about motorcycle accidents is that they are more likely to result in injury or death than a standard crash.

Around 79% of all motorcycle accidents in 2021 had a reported injury, and over 6% had at least one fatality. This means that only 15% of motorcycle accidents didn’t have an injury or death.

Unfortunately, most of these devastating accidents happen in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area and throughout Maricopa County. According to ADOT, around two-thirds of motorcycle crashes happened in Maricopa County alone.

In addition, out of 160 state-wide motorcycle accident deaths, 84 occurred in or around Phoenix. This makes it the most deadly spot in the state for motorcyclists.

What Is the Average Settlement of a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

There isn’t an average settlement amount that accurately represents most cases.

There are a couple of different reasons for this.

First, many averages posted by sources on the internet don’t include confidential settlements. Since these comprise a large portion of all case results, it significantly skews them.

Secondly, the average usually under or over estimates a settlement by a significant margin. This is because claims range anywhere from a few thousand dollars to millions, depending on the circumstances.

Ultimately, the best way to know the value of your particular claim is to speak with a Phoenix motorcycle accident attorney.

Determining the Value of Your Case

When building your case, several factors help determine your potential settlement. The first is the extent of your damages, and the second is fault.

A Phoenix motorcycle accident lawyer takes both of these factors into consideration when calculating your claim’s value.

For damages, a victim may have several losses. The law divides these losses into two categories: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are essentially any financial losses associated with the accident, while non-economic damages are physical or emotional losses.

Some examples of these losses include:

  • Past and future medical expenses,
  • Property or vehicle damage from the crash,
  • Lost wages during your accident recovery,
  • Reduced earning ability because of injuries,
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement,
  • Loss of quality of life,
  • Mental anguish, and
  • Pain and suffering.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., our Phoenix motorcycle accident lawyers consult with medical and financial experts to figure out the extent of these losses.

Most importantly, these losses affect everyone differently, so we consider their impact on individual victims.

When it comes to fault, evidence is essential. That’s because Arizona follows a pure comparative negligence law, meaning that a victim may recover compensation even if they are 99% at fault for the accident. However, the award gets reduced by the injured party’s share of fault.

Remember That You Have a Limited Amount of Time to File a Lawsuit

While many motorcycle accident claims settle before making it to trial, it’s important to remember the deadline for filing a lawsuit.

In Arizona, the statute of limitations for motorcycle accidents is two years from the date of injury. If you don’t file a lawsuit before this date, the court will likely refuse to hear your case.

Our Phoenix motorcycle accident attorneys keep this deadline in mind with every client so they don’t accidentally miss it.

How a Phoenix Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Not every claim requires the help of an attorney. However, consulting a motorcycle accident attorney in Phoenix may benefit your claim if you sustain moderate or severe injuries.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., our attorneys handle every aspect of a client’s case, from gathering evidence to negotiating settlements. We even help them find quality medical care for their injuries and use our legal resources to determine their long-term losses.

This can be especially helpful for clients who require intense rehabilitation or a long recovery.

Injured While Riding? Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. Is Here for You

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most devastating accidents on the road. If you receive an injury while riding a motorcycle, don’t try to fight for your recovery alone.

The attorneys at Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. know what’s at stake for victims, so we aggressively advocate for them from day one.

To schedule a free consultation with a Phoenix motorcycle accident lawyer, call us at (575) 222-1000 or contact us online.