Hire an Experienced El Paso Bicycle Accident Lawyer

We offer only aggressive, competent representation.

Bicycling around El Paso offers an active, eco-friendly alternative to driving, but it comes with risks. Careless or distracted drivers put cyclists at serious risk every day.

Bicycle accidents can cause severe physical, psychological, and financial consequences. Medical bills pile up, wages are lost, and recovery can feel uncertain. Fortunately, you don’t have to face these challenges alone.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we support you through this challenging time. Our El Paso bicycle accident lawyers have successfully secured compensation for injured cyclists, helping them recover the financial support they need to move forward.

Experienced, Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys Ready to Serve You
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We Want to Hear Your Story – and We Want to Help

What Should You Do After a Bicycle Accident?

Your actions immediately after a bicycle accident can significantly impact your legal case. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help protect your rights.

Prioritize Safety First

If possible, move out of harm’s way and call for medical help. Even if you don’t think you’re seriously injured, it’s crucial to be checked out by a healthcare professional.

Contact Law Enforcement

A police report is a critical piece of evidence. Ensure the officers document the accident thoroughly and you obtain their report once it’s ready.

Gather Evidence

Obtain the names and contact details of the driver and any witnesses. Their statements could prove vital to your case. Take pictures of your injuries, the accident scene, your bicycle, and the vehicle that hit you. Note any road conditions or hazards that may have contributed to the accident.

Speak to an Attorney

Contact one of our El Paso bicycle accident lawyers before you talk to an insurance company. We’ll advocate for your interests so you don’t have to worry about insurance companies trying to undervalue your claim.

These steps strengthen your ability to pursue compensation and hold the responsible party accountable for your injuries.

What Texas Laws Protect Cyclists?

Cyclists in Texas are entitled to use the road, and specific laws safeguard them.

Bicycles Are Vehicles

Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as any car on the road. Drivers must give you the same respect, whether you’re in a bike lane or sharing the road.

Safe Passing Law

Texas requires drivers to maintain at least three feet of distance when passing a cyclist. Failure to do so can result in liability if a cyclist is injured.


Cyclists have the right-of-way in marked bike lanes and at intersections with bike signals. Drivers must yield to cyclists in these situations.

Proportionate Responsibility

Under Texas’s proportionate responsibility rule, you can still recover damages if you are less than 51% at fault. However, your compensation may be reduced based on your level of fault if you contributed to the accident. Our team of bicycle accident lawyers in El Paso understands the complexities of Texas bike laws and how to use them to build a strong case for our clients.

We understand how overwhelming this time can be. At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we’ve successfully helped many clients with their bicycle accident claims. Don’t wait—time is limited. Call us today. Contact Us

  • We are still grateful to Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro for getting us through a challenging time with professionalism and expertise. Our case was handled with care and precision. This is a firm our family trusts and recommends without reservations.

    - Amy C.
  • Ms Chaparro is definitely a go getter and a person of her word. I was with another attorney who did nothing for the first couple of months, so I changed law firm. Ms Chaparro took my trucking case even during the difficult covid situation. She work tirelessly on my case and got me my 6 figure settlement she promised me. Definitely recommend her and her law firm.

    - Jackie Arms
  • Alejandro Acosta is a great lawyer. He gave us peace of mind and handled our case pretty seamlessly. No issues and just solid answers. No runaround and he settled our case with the outcome he predicted. I have sent his info to a few friends and family. Great lawyer!

    - Madison Hernandez

What Are Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in El Paso?

Bicycle accidents happen far too often because some drivers fail to respect cyclists’ rights on the road, leading to devastating injuries. While there are many potential causes of bicycle accidents, some of the most common include:

  • Distracted driving. Drivers texting, using their phones, or otherwise not paying attention to the road may not notice cyclists until too late.
  • Failure to yield. Drivers who don’t yield to cyclists at intersections or when turning pose a significant threat to bicycle safety.
  • Speeding. Excessive speed makes it harder for drivers to react to cyclists, especially in neighborhoods, school zones, or areas with heavy bike traffic.
  • Improper lane changes. Drivers who fail to check for cyclists when switching lanes can cause serious collisions.
  • “Dooring” accidents. Drivers or passengers opening car doors without checking for bikes passing by often hit and injure bicyclists.
  • Riding against traffic. Riding against the flow of traffic can make it difficult for drivers to see you and increases your risk of being hit.
  • Ignoring traffic laws. Cyclists must follow the same traffic laws as drivers, including stopping at stop signs and red lights.

As you can see, the law aims to protect cyclists on Texas roads. If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident caused by a driver’s negligence, an experienced bicycle accident lawyer can help you seek the compensation you need.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

What Damages Can You Recover After a Bicycle Accident?

Severe injuries like head trauma, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones frequently occur during bicycle accidents. Recovery can be long, painful, and expensive. Bicycle accident victims may be entitled to financial compensation, including:

  • Medical expenses. Coverage includes hospital bills, surgeries, physical therapy, and ongoing medical care.
  • Lost wages. You can claim lost income and loss of future earning capacity if your injuries prevent you from working.
  • Pain and suffering. Depending on your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for non-economic damages, such as emotional distress, chronic pain, and diminished quality of life.
  • Property damage. If your bicycle or personal property, such as your cell phone, was damaged in the accident, you can recover the costs of repairs or replacements.

Every case is unique, and the compensation you are eligible for depends on the circumstances of your accident. We’ll work to maximize the compensation you receive so you can focus on healing. The amount of compensation you can recover will depend on several factors, including the severity of your injuries, your medical expenses, your lost wages, and the degree of fault on the driver’s part.

Speak to a Skilled Bicycle Accident Lawyer in El Paso, TX

Our legal team is here to help you with your case.

How Can an El Paso Bicycle Accident Attorney Help?

Dealing with the legal process after a bicycle accident can be challenging. A skilled personal injury lawyer will be your advocate every step of the way, helping you avoid costly mistakes and securing the compensation you deserve. Here’s how we can help:

  • Investigating the accident. We will gather all the necessary documents and evidence, from medical records to dashcam footage, and even speak to witnesses to build a strong case.
  • Handling insurance negotiations. Insurance companies may try to minimize your settlement. We’ll handle these negotiations for you, promoting your interests.
  • Litigation support. If your case goes to trial, our experienced attorneys will represent you and fight for a fair verdict.

Don’t face the aftermath of a bicycle accident alone. With decades of experience, the Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. team is dedicated to helping injured cyclists in El Paso. We’ll fight for the compensation you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and emotional recovery.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced El Paso bicycle accident attorney. We’re proud to serve the El Paso community and are ready to help you secure the compensation you need to get back on your feet.

Bicycle Accident FAQs

How Long Do I Have to File a Bicycle Accident Claim In Texas?

In Texas, you generally have two years from the accident date to file a personal injury lawsuit. However, the sooner you act, the stronger your case will be, as evidence is lost over time.

What If the Driver Who Hit Me Is Uninsured?

If the at-fault driver is uninsured, you may still have options for compensation. Many cyclists carry uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage on their auto insurance policies. We’ll help you explore every option for recovering damages.

What Should I Do If I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet at the Time of the Accident?

Texas doesn’t have a universal helmet law for adults, so not wearing a helmet won’t automatically prevent you from recovering damages. However, if your injuries would have been less severe with a helmet, your compensation could be reduced.