Hire the Best Catastrophic Injury Lawyers in Albuquerque

You deserve justice and fair compensation for your losses

No one is prepared for the life-changing nature of a catastrophic injury. Daily tasks become a chore, hobbies become a distant memory, and life becomes a recurring nightmare.

Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. can help you get justice if you suffered severe injuries due to someone else’s negligence. Our firm protects victims’ rights and can help you file a compensation claim against the liable party. Call today to discuss your case with an Albuquerque catastrophic injury lawyer.

Experienced, Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys Ready to Serve You
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We Want to Hear Your Story – and We Want to Help

What are Catastrophic Injuries?

Catastrophic injuries are severe and life-altering injuries that impact your health and quality of life.

  • Spinal cord injuries. These may result in partial or complete paralysis, loss of sensation, and other serious bodily functions.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI). TBIs can lead to cognitive impairments, physical disabilities, and emotional and behavioral changes.
  • Severe burns. Extensive burns can cause chronic pain and disfigurement, requiring multiple surgeries and rehabilitation.
  • Amputations. The loss of a limb or extremity can drastically alter a person’s life, necessitating prosthetics and physical therapy.
  • Multiple bone fractures. Severe fractures can lead to long-term complications, including mobility issues and chronic pain.
  • Organ damage. Internal injuries may affect vital organs, leading to lifelong health issues and the need for ongoing medical care.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, know that you’re not alone. Our Albuquerque catastrophic injury lawyers can help you navigate the legal system and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries are impossible to predict and can happen at any time. Sadly, these accidents often happen due to someone else’s negligence, making many of them preventable.

Here are some situations where these devastating injuries can occur:

  • Car accidents. High-speed collisions, rollovers, and crashes can cause a range of physical and psychological harm.
  • Truck Accidents. Even at slow speeds, the sheer size and weight of commercial trucks can lead to devastating injuries in collisions.
  • Oilfield accidents. Explosions, machinery malfunctions, and exposure to hazardous materials can lead to catastrophic injuries.
  • Defective products. Malfunctioning or poorly designed products can cause injury when they fail to work as intended.
  • Slip and falls. Even at low heights, falls can cause serious injuries, especially for the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions.

These are only a handful of causes of these life-altering injuries. Contact Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. no matter how your injury occurred to see if we can help you.

  • We are still grateful to Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro for getting us through a challenging time with professionalism and expertise. Our case was handled with care and precision. This is a firm our family trusts and recommends without reservations.

    - Amy C.
  • Ms Chaparro is definitely a go getter and a person of her word. I was with another attorney who did nothing for the first couple of months, so I changed law firm. Ms Chaparro took my trucking case even during the difficult covid situation. She work tirelessly on my case and got me my 6 figure settlement she promised me. Definitely recommend her and her law firm.

    - Jackie Arms
  • Alejandro Acosta is a great lawyer. He gave us peace of mind and handled our case pretty seamlessly. No issues and just solid answers. No runaround and he settled our case with the outcome he predicted. I have sent his info to a few friends and family. Great lawyer!

    - Madison Hernandez

Potential Rights After a Personal Injury

Following a serious accident, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of your next steps is natural. However, you have important legal rights that can help protect you during this difficult time.

Right to Report the Accident to Relevant Authorities

You can report the accident to entities like police or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Reporting the injury creates an official record, which can be useful for insurance claims and legal proceedings. Additionally, this gives the liable party a chance to fix the problem and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Right to File a Personal Lawsuit

If your injury was due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act, you can file a personal lawsuit against the responsible party. This legal action can help you hold them accountable and seek damages for your injuries. An Albuquerque catastrophic injury attorney can guide you through the process, ensuring that your case is presented effectively and your rights are upheld.

Right to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you were injured on the job, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation provides benefits such as medical expenses and lost wages to employees who are injured in the course of their employment. This right ensures that you receive necessary medical care and financial support while you recover from your work-related injury.

How an Albuquerque Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Can Help

Getting justice after a serious injury is not an easy task. The liable party and their insurer will do everything possible to avoid paying you the compensation you need.

Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. is a leading personal injury firm in New Mexico. You can count on our lawyers to stand up for your rights and hold the other side accountable.

Personalized Legal Strategy

We understand that all catastrophic injury cases are unique. Our attorneys take the time to develop a personalized legal strategy tailored to the specifics of your situation. We analyze every detail, consider all possible avenues for compensation, and craft a plan designed to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Access to Experts

Determining fault and calculating damages can be difficult after a tragic incident. We have access to a network of experts, such as medical professionals and accident reconstruction specialists. Their testimony can help the court understand how the other accident happened and why you deserve compensation.

Negotiating for Maximum Compensation

Insurance companies are notorious for offering lowball settlements. Our attorneys have decades of experience negotiating with insurers. We know how to counter the tactics these companies use to get you the most compensation available.

Aggressive Advocacy in Court

Most cases end with a settlement, but some go to trial. If this happens with your dispute, we’re prepared to take your case to court to fight for your rights. Our trial attorneys are experienced litigators who will tenaciously advocate for you. We will craft compelling arguments, introduce evidence, and examine witnesses to help secure you a favorable outcome.

No Fees Unless You Win

We understand that few people have the financial ability to pay for a lawyer upfront. That’s why we offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis. You won’t pay a dime unless we secure compensation for your injuries.

Speak to a Skilled Albuquerque Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Our legal team is here to help you with your case.

Damages Available After an Accident

New Mexico law allows you to seek compensation for all damages related to the catastrophic injury. Here’s an overview of some damages you may recover:

  • Medical expenses. Your lawsuit can demand compensation for past and future medical costs associated with your injury. This can cover ambulance rides, hospital stays, doctor visits, surgeries, physical therapy, medications, and rehabilitation services.
  • Lost wages. If your injuries prevent you from working, you can recover compensation for lost wages during your recovery period.
  • Loss of earning capacity. Catastrophic injuries can significantly impact your ability to earn a living. You can recover damages if your injury alters your career and reduces your earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering. Catastrophic injuries often cause significant physical and emotional pain. A settlement can address the physical discomfort and emotional distress you endure as a result of your injury.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life. Injuries can limit your ability to participate in activities you once enjoyed. The liable party may owe you for the loss of enjoyment you experience due to your limitations.

It’s important to note that the specific damages you can recover and the compensation you receive will depend on the unique facts of your case. Our Albuquerque personal injury lawyers will meticulously assess your case to determine the full extent of your losses and fight to recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Don’t let the complications of a catastrophic injury prevent you from seeking compensation. Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. can help you get justice after a catastrophic injury. With over 40 years of combined experience, our attorneys have a reliable record of success and have earned millions for our clients. We will work tirelessly to hold the liable party accountable and get you the compensation you deserve.

Call today to arrange a no-cost case evaluation.