Injured in Albuquerque? Get a FREE Consultation

My name is James Tawney – I am a Albuquerque car accident attorney. I wrote this post to be a resource for folks who need to hire an accident attorney but don’t know anyone personally who can make a referral. Toward that end, below you will find a list of 6 car accident lawyers who I personally endorse.

Albuquerque car accident lawyers

Unfortunately, car accidents are not uncommon, which may explain why there are so many car accident lawyers to choose from.

And few people have a car accident attorney on speed dial. So, if you have been in a serious crash, you will need to make a quick decision on which Albuquerque car accident lawyer you hire.

Many people choose to conduct an internet search. But, this will result in pages and pages of law firm names and directories.

Unfortunately, many of these directories are little more than sponsored ads. The firms making the top of the list are typically those that paid the most money for that coveted spot. It often has little to do with merit, the firm’s reputation, or success rate. 

Sabemos que puede ser abrumador y difícil de calibrar qué bufete de abogados es el más adecuado para su caso. Para ayudar a reducir el campo, hemos investigado una serie de abogados de accidentes de coche en Albuquerque y proporcionó una lista de los que creemos que es el mejor alrededor. 

Get in touch and explore how our adept legal team at Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. can enhance your case.

Why Should You Contact a Car Accident Lawyer?

A car accident lawyer is vital for two reasons. One, in fighting for your rightful compensation following a car accident. And two, ensuring your rights are well protected during the accident claim process.

The period following a vehicle accident can be incredibly stressful, painful, and confusing. An experienced car accident lawyer can help relieve some of the burden. A lawyer working by your side gives you the time and space to heal while they work to obtain the compensation you deserve. 

There are countless ways car accident lawyers in Albuquerque can make a difference in the outcome of your claim. It starts with ensuring that you understand who is liable for your injuries. Depending on the circumstances, it may not always be the driver of the vehicle that hit you.

Your attorney will conduct an investigation and gather evidence to prove what happened. They will then use this to determine liability. One important function of a car accident lawyer is to help determine the true value of your claim. A lawyer will often help you receive much more compensation than if you were to file a claim on your own.

If you do not clearly understand the value of your claim, including current and future expenses, there are consequences on your part. For instance, you might accept an offer that is woefully below the amount you need to cover your expenses. 

Cómo presentar una demanda por accidente automovilístico en Nuevo México

Muchos casos de accidentes de tráfico comienzan como reclamaciones al seguro. Como se dijo anteriormente, es importante entender contra quién presentar la reclamación. Nuevo México es un estado de "culpa", lo que significa que la persona o parte que causó el accidente es responsable de pagar los daños.

A car accident lawyer is skilled at negotiating with insurance companies to secure maximum compensation. If the insurance policy held by the negligent party refuses to cover the full extent of your damages, or a fair settlement cannot be agreed upon, your attorney may recommend that you pursue a lawsuit. This means taking the case to court. 

According to the New Mexico statute of limitations, you have three years to file a cause of action after the date the injury occurred. Though that may seem like plenty of time, it can quickly pass while you are healing from a serious injury. The sooner you can file, the better. 

¿Por qué estamos proporcionando una lista de los mejores abogados de accidentes de coche en Albuquerque? 

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., our experienced car accident attorneys in Albuquerque would love to take your case. But if for some reason that cannot happen, we want to make sure you receive the legal counsel you need.

In total, there are 8,618 lawyers currently licensed to practice in New Mexico, many of whom focus on personal injury law. The state has roughly 26 lawyers for every 10,000 residents. Although that is not as many as some other states, it is still plenty to choose from. 

Choosing a car accident lawyer is an important decision. It could mean the difference between a good, smooth experience with your claim or a stressful one. Not to mention your ability to receive maximum compensation for your injuries.

To help, we have vetted a list of who we believe are the best car accident lawyers in Albuquerque. 

Injured in Albuquerque? Reach Out to Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. 24/7 for Qualified Legal Guidance. Free Case Review

6 of the Best Albuquerque Car Accident Attorneys

1. Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C.

Entendemos que nuestros clientes confían en nosotros para ayudarles a buscar justicia y una compensación significativa a través del sistema legal. Ya sea que estemos negociando un acuerdo justo de reclamo de seguros o llevando su caso a juicio, estamos comprometidos a proporcionar una representación celosa.

Nuestro galardonado equipo sirve a clientes en todo Nuevo México y Texas. Hemos ayudado a innumerables víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos que lidian con facturas médicas, salarios perdidos, dolor y sufrimiento, pérdida de un ser querido y otras dificultades.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we offer a free consultation to get your claim started, and we do not receive compensation unless you do, which means there are no out-of-pocket expenses for our legal services. You do not have to fight alone.

2. Ron Bell Abogados de lesiones

Durante más de tres décadas, Ron Bell Injury Lawyers ha servido a clientes en Albuquerque y en todo Nuevo México. Han obtenido excelentes resultados para miles de clientes a lo largo de los años, incluyendo cientos de miles de dólares por múltiples casos de accidentes automovilísticos.

No son ajenos a las duras negociaciones con las compañías de seguros. Ron Bell Injury Lawyers también practica otras áreas de la ley de lesiones personales y ofrece una consulta inicial gratuita del caso.

3. Will Ferguson & Associates

Como uno de los bufetes de lesiones personales más grandes de Nuevo México, Will Ferguson & Associates es conocido por obtener recompensas significativas. No tienen miedo de ir a juicio en la búsqueda de la compensación que sus clientes merecen e incluso tienen una instalación dedicada a simulacros de juicios y preparación de juicios.

Si usted planea presentar una demanda, pueden ayudarle a asegurarse de que está listo para la sala del tribunal. Will Ferguson & Associates ha estado sirviendo a víctimas de lesiones personales en Nuevo México desde 1983.

4. Buchanan Law Firm, LLC

El equipo de Buchanan Law Firm, LLC se centra en las áreas de lesiones personales y derecho laboral y lo ha estado haciendo durante más de dos décadas. La abogada Deena Buchanan sirvió como abogada defensora de seguros para algunas de las compañías de seguros más grandes, dándole una visión de cómo la oposición piensa y crea estrategias.

Esto proporciona a sus clientes una clara ventaja a la hora de enfrentarse a poderosas compañías de seguros con equipos de abogados a su disposición. Buchanan Law Firm, LLC ha logrado algunos resultados millonarios en nombre de sus clientes.

5. Bufete Parnall

Más de 7000 clientes han recibido asesoramiento jurídico de Parnell Law. Tienen una docena de abogados con licencia y un personal completo de asistentes legales, administradores de casos y otros profesionales del derecho.

El bufete se compromete a realizar un trabajo de calidad. Si usted no está completamente satisfecho con la forma en que su caso está siendo manejado en Parnall Law Firm, durante los primeros 30 días después de contratar a la firma, usted puede tomar su archivo sin ningún tipo de honorarios o preguntas.

6. McGinn Montoya Love Curry & Sievers PA

McGinn Montoya Love Curry & Sievers PA approach every case as if it was going to trial. That way, they are prepared to swiftly take the case to trial if the insurance company does not offer a fair settlement. Their trial readiness incentivizes insurers to settle, as they know this firm won’t back down.

El equipo ha existido por más de 35 años, y están comprometidos a encontrar justicia para las víctimas de lesiones personales en Nuevo México. Han hecho mucho trabajo con casos de negligencia médica, pero también manejan reclamos de accidentes automovilísticos graves.

Contact an Albuquerque Car Accident Lawyer Today

Si usted ha estado en un accidente de coche en Albuquerque o sus alrededores, es probable que se enfrentan a costosas facturas médicas, salarios perdidos, daños a la propiedad, y otros gastos. Usted necesita un abogado de accidente de coche que le puede ayudar a obtener la compensación que se merece.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we take every case seriously and will work with you to determine the best strategy for your individual circumstances. Contact us now for a free consultation. If, for some reason, you choose to work with another law firm, we hope that one of the qualified car accident lawyers in Albuquerque on our list can meet your needs.