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Todd Perchert was driving his ’66 gold Mustang along Route 66 when an Albuquerque police chief, Harold Medina, crashed into him. Perchert underwent extensive surgery and faces lifelong injuries, prompting a lawsuit against the city for compensation and accountability. Medina’s truck collided with Perchert’s at a red light after a nearby gunshot, yet Medina and his wife emerged unscathed. An internal investigation is ongoing, raising questions about accountability and the handling of the aftermath. Perchert’s wife criticized Mayor Tim Keller for praising Medina, emphasizing the impact on their lives and the dismissive attitude towards Perchert’s injuries. The cherished Mustang was totaled, adding to their distress. Perchert now drives cautiously, wary of potential hazards on the road.

Read the full story on Albuquerque Journal >>

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Alejandro Acosta

El Sr. Acosta ha residido toda su vida en El Paso. Se graduó en la Cathedral High School en el año 2000 y se licenció en la St. Mary's University de San Antonio en 2004. El Sr. Acosta pasó a asistir a la Facultad de Derecho Sandra Day O' Connor (Escuela de Derecho del Estado de Arizona). Se graduó en 2008, recibiendo su J.D. y su Certificado Legal Indígena por su trabajo en el Derecho Indígena y las relaciones con varias naciones tribales en todo Arizona. Alejandro tiene licencia para ejercer la abogacía en Texas desde 2008 y tiene licencia en el Estado de Nuevo México desde 2011.

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