Hire the Best Truck Accident Attorneys in Carlsbad

Usted merece justicia y una compensación justa por sus pérdidas

Truck accidents are among the most distressing of all motor vehicle accidents. Due to their unforgiving size and weight, they can leave their victims with devastating injuries.

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck accident due to another’s negligence, you need a Carlsbad truck accident attorney. You may be eligible to receive compensation from the party who harmed you.

Our award-winning attorneys at Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. are well-accomplished in handling complex truck accident cases. Read on to learn about truck accident lawsuits, including how to choose an attorney and how long you have to bring your claim.

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How Do I Choose the Right Truck Accident Lawyer?

You’ll find many truck accident lawyers, but not all are right for you. The following factors will help you choose a Carlsbad truck accident lawyer.

Knowledge of Truck Accident Cases

Truck accident cases have complicated rules regarding the assessment of liability and the evidence required to prove negligence. You don’t want a novice attorney handling your case—you need a law firm with extensive knowledge of truck accidents.

At Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C., we have a unique legal background. Personal injury cases, like truck accident cases, are all we do. Our entire arsenal of resources is devoted entirely to representing clients who suffer personal injuries due to another party’s negligence.

Our attorneys have decades of combined legal experience helping countless clients get the justice they deserve.

We understand how challenging this time must be for you. Know that you are not alone and that we have your back. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Contáctenos ahora

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Experiencia en juicios

Most truck accident lawsuits end in negotiated settlements. Only a few proceed to trial. However, you need a lawyer with trial experience for two reasons.

First, it shows the insurer that your advocate is not afraid of trial and will take them to court if they fail to negotiate in good faith and offer a fair settlement. Conversely, a lawyer who is known solely for negotiating settlements has little leverage as the threat of court is nonexistent. Second, it means you can stay with the same firm if your case does proceed to trial—as opposed to having a new firm scramble to get up to speed.

While being excellent negotiators and client advocates, our attorneys have extensive experience and a reputation for taking cases to trial when necessary. We understand the rules of the courtroom and the trial process, and we never shrink from going to court if needed to protect your rights.

Whether we settle your case through negotiation or pursue a trial verdict, our attorneys can help give you the best representation possible.

Legal Fee Transparency

Typically, after a truck accident, you have strained finances. It’s natural to be concerned about the cost of hiring a Carlsbad truck accident attorney. Like most personal injury law firms, we charge clients on a contingency basis. With this payment scheme, you do not pay us anything upfront.

We take our fee as a percentage of your settlement or award. We only get paid when you do. If you don’t win your case, you don’t owe us anything.


We know you’re going through a difficult time, and it may seem that the odds are against you. Your bills are piling up and you might be forced to take time off work because of your injuries. Now you’re looking into bringing a truck accident lawsuit against the party who harmed you, but you don’t know where to start.

We know this can be overwhelming, and our hearts go out to you and your family. We don’t want you to have to worry about anything while you are recovering from your injuries. That’s why our lawyers take the lead. We gather the evidence, interview witnesses, calculate damages, and negotiate with insurance companies, so you can relax and heal with your family.


Everyone wants a law firm with a good reputation. The best way to gauge a law firm’s reputation is to ask around in your community. Does anyone have experience with the firm? Was the experience positive or negative? You can also read reviews on Google and other similar sites.

Established in 2016, Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. has multiple offices located throughout New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. We have a stellar reputation for serving our clients, and we look forward to helping you obtain a just result.

No Language Barrier

Language is important. Our firm has attorneys who can speak and translate Spanish so we can help our clients in the language they are most comfortable with. We can also reach out to other community members, including witnesses to the truck accident, without language barriers not being an issue.

Reach Out to Us

  • Todavía estamos agradecidos a Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro por ayudarnos a superar un momento difícil con profesionalismo y experiencia. Nuestro caso fue manejado con cuidado y precisión. Esta es una firma en la que nuestra familia confía y recomienda sin reservas.

    - Amy C.
  • La Sra. Chaparro es definitivamente una persona que va a por todas y una persona de palabra. Yo estaba con otro abogado que no hizo nada durante el primer par de meses, así que cambié de bufete de abogados. La Sra. Chaparro tomó mi caso de camiones, incluso durante la difícil situación covida. Ella trabajó incansablemente en mi caso y me consiguió mi acuerdo de 6 cifras que me prometió. Definitivamente la recomiendo a ella y a su bufete de abogados.

    - Jackie Arms
  • Alejandro Acosta es un gran abogado. Nos dio tranquilidad y manejó nuestro caso sin problemas. Sin problemas y con respuestas sólidas. No hay evasivas y resolvió nuestro caso con el resultado que predijo. He enviado su información a algunos amigos y familiares. ¡Gran abogado!

    - Madison Hernández

What Evidence Is Used to Determine Truck Accident Liability?

Our seasoned truck accident attorneys compile vast amounts of evidence to build your case. Common evidence we collect on your behalf includes the following:

  • Testimonies of the parties involved,
  • Police reports,
  • The truck’s black box,
  • Eyewitness statements,
  • Expert reconstruction testimony, and
  • Dashboard camera footage.

We take this evidence and build a solid case that can help maximize your case’s value.

What Are the Causes of Truck Accidents?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reported that from 2020 to 2021, the number of large trucks involved in crashes that resulted in an injury increased by 11%. In that same period, the FMCSA also found that the number of large trucks involved in fatal crashes increased by 18%. What is the cause of these devastating accidents?

Las causas más comunes son las siguientes:

Though not under human control, poor weather conditions such as snow, icy roads, and fog can also cause a truck accident.

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

Unlike car accidents that usually involve two parties (the drivers of two cars that collide), truck accident claims can involve additional parties. This is what can make truck accidents more complicated.

Common parties who are liable in a truck accident include the following:

  • Conductor de camión,
  • Compañía de camiones,
  • Cargo loader,
  • Truck maintenance company, and
  • Truck manufacturer.

Our seasoned lawyers will examine the facts of your case to determine which parties may be liable for your injuries.

Hable con un abogado experto en accidentes de camión en Carlsbad

Nuestro equipo legal está aquí para ayudarle con su caso.

Am I Barred from Recovery If I’m Also At Fault for the Truck Accident?

No. New Mexico is a pure comparative negligence state. You can still recover even if you are partly responsible for the truck accident. Whether you are 20% at fault or 99% at fault, you can recover damages. However, your damages are reduced based on your portion of fault. In the above example, you would only be able to recover 80% and 1% of your damages, respectively.

How Long Do I Have to Bring a Truck Accident Claim?

Under New Mexico law, the timeframe to bring a truck accident claim (also called the statute of limitations) is three years. This timeframe begins on the date of the accident. If you fail to bring your claim during this time, absent certain exceptions, you won’t be able to recover compensation for your injuries.

Book a Free Consultation and Speak with a Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one are suffering injuries from a truck accident, contact our office today. We are here to take the stress off your shoulders and handle all the legal aspects of your case. Our attorneys are committed to achieving justice for you.

Don’t lose your opportunity for financial recovery. Contact Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro P.C. today for a free case evaluation.

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