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The Albuquerque Police Department has released partial body camera footage of a vehicle crash involving Police Chief Harold Medina, which occurred on the same day as a nearby shooting incident on February 17. Chief Medina provided his account of the crash shortly after it happened. The department has initiated an investigation into the incident. Todd Perchert, 55, who was injured in the crash and hospitalized for nearly a week, underwent a seven-hour surgery for several broken bones and other injuries. Perchert later held a news conference in March to share his perspective on the crash.

Read the full details on KOAT 7 >>

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Alejandro Acosta

El Sr. Acosta ha residido toda su vida en El Paso. Se graduó en la Cathedral High School en el año 2000 y se licenció en la St. Mary's University de San Antonio en 2004. El Sr. Acosta pasó a asistir a la Facultad de Derecho Sandra Day O' Connor (Escuela de Derecho del Estado de Arizona). Se graduó en 2008, recibiendo su J.D. y su Certificado Legal Indígena por su trabajo en el Derecho Indígena y las relaciones con varias naciones tribales en todo Arizona. Alejandro tiene licencia para ejercer la abogacía en Texas desde 2008 y tiene licencia en el Estado de Nuevo México desde 2011.

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