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The Albuquerque City Council will meet to discuss Chief Harold Medina’s leadership, with Councilor Louie Sanchez proposing a vote of no confidence to address accountability and transparency issues within the police department. Chief Medina will attend the meeting to discuss crime-fighting efforts. Sanchez aims for Medina’s removal with a two-thirds majority vote or potential changes to the city charter. Earlier, Sanchez and Councilor Renee Grout attempted to shift the city government structure unsuccessfully.

Recent scrutiny stems from federal raids on officers’ homes and a lawyer’s office, and the dismissal of numerous DWI cases involving officers. Officers resigned amid an internal inquiry. Chief Medina was also involved in a collision, leading to legal action. Despite challenges, the Council rejected a broader investigation into Medina’s crash. Concerns persist that recent events might impact the court-approved settlement agreement with the DOJ.

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Alejandro Acosta

El Sr. Acosta ha residido toda su vida en El Paso. Se graduó en la Cathedral High School en el año 2000 y se licenció en la St. Mary's University de San Antonio en 2004. El Sr. Acosta pasó a asistir a la Facultad de Derecho Sandra Day O' Connor (Escuela de Derecho del Estado de Arizona). Se graduó en 2008, recibiendo su J.D. y su Certificado Legal Indígena por su trabajo en el Derecho Indígena y las relaciones con varias naciones tribales en todo Arizona. Alejandro tiene licencia para ejercer la abogacía en Texas desde 2008 y tiene licencia en el Estado de Nuevo México desde 2011.

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