Hire the Best Herniated Disc in New Mexico

Usted merece justicia y una compensación justa por sus pérdidas

A herniated disc can result in excruciating, persistent, and potentially long-term pain that can greatly impact your daily life.

This type of injury can range in severity from the temporary inconvenience of moderate pain to severe paralysis and even loss of bladder and bowel function.

If you sustained a herniated disc in an accident caused by someone else’s negligent action or inaction, you may be entitled to compensation for what you have endured.

The experienced herniated disc attorneys at Tawney, Acosta and Chapparo, P.C. can help you understand your legal rights and the best legal strategy for your specific situation.

Back pain can be debilitating, and it is important that your herniated disc injury is taken seriously. Contact us today to get started.

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What Is a Herniated Disc?

The spine is composed of individual bones called vertebrae. Rubbery cushions, called discs, are located in between each vertebrae.

Each disc has a soft, jellylike center. A slipped disc occurs when this center pushes out through a tear in the rubbery cushion and causes the entire disc to move out of position.

This painful and sometimes debilitating condition is also referred to as a ruptured, protruding, or slipped disc. When discs are in the incorrect position, they can press on nerves, which not only causes discomfort but can also result in numbness or weakness in different parts of the body.

If you have any pain following an accident, especially back pain, it is important to receive medical care as soon as possible. 

How Are Herniated Discs Diagnosed and Treated?

In many cases, a doctor can diagnose a herniated disc with a physical exam paired with questions about the accident that caused the injury. In some cases, imaging such as an x-ray, CT scan, MRI, or myelogram may be required.

In some cases, nerve tests may be necessary. Diagnostic imaging can be costly, especially if not covered by health insurance. This is one of the reasons it is important to seek counsel from herniated disc attorneys in Albuquerque, who will fight to have these costs covered. 

Depending on the severity of your injury, treatment may include over-the-counter pain medication or could require prescriptions for neuropathic drugs, muscle relaxers, or opioids. Cortisone injections are a slightly more invasive option that may be used to avoid surgery.

Your doctor may also recommend physical therapy. If more conservative approaches are unsuccessful, surgery may be an option, though in some cases, multiple surgeries may be required.

The location and severity of your slipped disc can greatly impact your treatment plan. Make sure to keep a detailed record of all medical costs associated with your injury from the accident, so your herniated disc attorneys can help you accurately calculate the value of your claim. 

  • Todavía estamos agradecidos a Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro por ayudarnos a superar un momento difícil con profesionalismo y experiencia. Nuestro caso fue manejado con cuidado y precisión. Esta es una firma en la que nuestra familia confía y recomienda sin reservas.

    - Amy C.
  • La Sra. Chaparro es definitivamente una persona que va a por todas y una persona de palabra. Yo estaba con otro abogado que no hizo nada durante el primer par de meses, así que cambié de bufete de abogados. La Sra. Chaparro tomó mi caso de camiones, incluso durante la difícil situación covida. Ella trabajó incansablemente en mi caso y me consiguió mi acuerdo de 6 cifras que me prometió. Definitivamente la recomiendo a ella y a su bufete de abogados.

    - Jackie Arms
  • Alejandro Acosta es un gran abogado. Nos dio tranquilidad y manejó nuestro caso sin problemas. Sin problemas y con respuestas sólidas. No hay evasivas y resolvió nuestro caso con el resultado que predijo. He enviado su información a algunos amigos y familiares. ¡Gran abogado!

    - Madison Hernández

Contesting Pre-Existing Conditions for Your Herniated Disc Injury

Diagnostics can often prove that you have a herniated disc, but not when it occurred. Insurance companies often contend that something other than the accident caused your injury.

In this case, your medical history will be important. A pre-existing condition involving back pain does not necessarily mean you are not eligible for a herniated disc accident settlement in New Mexico.

Your herniated disc attorneys can help you acquire evidence and build a case to demonstrate that the accident significantly aggravated your prior condition, and had the accident not occurred, you would have maintained a different level of comfort. 

How Do I Receive Compensation for a Herniated Disc Accident?

Most personal injury accidents start as a claim filed with the negligent party’s insurance provider.

Unfortunately, insurance companies far too often try to minimize the pain and suffering of accident victims with herniated disc injuries when the likelihood of persistent, long-term pain is very high. It is important to understand the full value of your claim before considering any settlement.

This is another reason seeking counsel from herniated disc injury lawyers can be extremely valuable. It is important to never agree to a settlement without ensuring you are getting the compensation you deserve.

If a fair settlement cannot be agreed upon, there is an issue with determining who was at fault, or the insurance policy does not cover the extent of your injuries, your herniated disc attorneys may advise filing a lawsuit.

Though lawsuits may add time to how long it takes to receive the damages you are owed, it is often much better to wait than to agree to a sum that does not cover your expenses. 

How Much Is My Claim Worth? 

The amount of compensation your claim is worth depends on many factors. For instance, the more severe your injuries, the more you are likely entitled to.

In most cases, a settlement or jury verdict will include all medical expenses associated with your injury, including emergency care, follow-up visits, medication, physical therapy, surgery, and other related costs.

If you have missed work or are unable to work because of the injury, you should receive compensation for lost wages or lost earning potential. 

It is important to also consider the physical, mental, and emotional hardship that arises from a severe injury. You may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, depression, post-traumatic stress, and more, depending on how the injury has impacted your life and overall well-being. 

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Experienced Herniated Disc Attorneys in Albuquerque

You have a much better chance of receiving fair and timely compensation for your herniated disc injury when seeking counsel from experienced personal injury attorneys who understand how insurance companies operate.

The team at Tawney, Acosta & Chaparro, P.C. has significant severe accident case experience and is comfortable negotiating to help you receive the maximum settlement amount for your claim or argue your case in the courtroom. 

Treating a herniated disc can be expensive, and living with one can be excruciating. We can help you obtain proper medical care and give you the space to heal as we fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve.

Our attorneys can walk you through the legal process and help you make the best decisions for your specific case. Contact us to schedule a free case consultation and learn more about how we can help.